As the anticipation of Christmas and New Year sets in, it’s a great time to reflect on the year that has passed and think about the year ahead. It is an opportunity to consider what we’d like to achieve going forward and in theory, a great way to do this is to set ourselves targets, aka New Year’s Resolutions!

As ‘that day’ of 1st January approaches, you realise you actually need to start doing something with ‘those goals’ you set. Or this may be the end of December, when you may have run out of time, or the middle of the year when you may still be able to fulfil your goals: either way the feeling is common, where we realise we have created a set of ‘resolutions’ that we inevitably fail to achieve.
This 5-point article is filled with hints and tips to help you achieve your resolutions this year, so read on if you want to create goals that will stick.


1. Make it positive

Often we strive for things for things we want to achieve but set ourselves up for failure in the way we frame our targets. Have you ever noticed that if you buy a new car, which is white (for example), you then notice many more white cars on the road? This is because once we set our minds on something, that is what our mind focuses on (ah-ha moment)!
This year, set goals that are positively framed, i.e. focus on what you DO want rather than what you do not want to achieve. So, as an example, if one of your New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight, automatically your mind is focusing on loss. Rather, flip this and think about what you will gain if you do lose weight and make these your goals. In doing this, you are likely to be more successful by focusing your mind on what you really want to achieve. Specifically, if you were to lose a defined amount of weight, you would perhaps feel physically fitter and perhaps have more energy, or would fit into a specific size outfit – if that is the case, turn that into your goal.


2. Be realistic

There’s nothing worse than setting goals whilst wearing ‘rose tinted glasses’, i.e. with an unrealistic view. Don’t set yourself up for failure, rather, consider what a meaningful goal is for you personally and what is achievable, bearing in mind other commitments and the
time that you can accommodate. Don’t create too many goals and expect to be in a position to create more time to fulfil them. We all have the same number of hours in each day; that is not something we can change, we can however decide where we focus our energy during the time we have in each day. The key here is to have a few goals, which are specific and realistic, and be accountable for them.


3. Write it down

A goal in your mind is just a dream until you write it down. Putting pen to paper sounds simple, but actually, documenting your goals encourages commitment and determination.
Write down your goals for the year and display them proudly. Remind yourself of them and review your progress regularly. After all, you committed to make them a reality, don’t let the importance of these slip away as the year passes by; consider what made these goals important enough for you select them in the first instance.
If you’ve ever revised for exams or needed to remember something important, were you advised to write it down and display it somewhere you will see regularly? Or perhaps that’s how you remind yourself of those important tasks you must not forget to complete. Well, the same applies here…go on try it…write your goals down (as a ‘note-to-self’) and stick them up on your fridge (or your noticeable place). As a tip, when you stop noticing them, move your note-to-self to a new noticeable place to make sure they stand out.


4. Break it down

A goal without a plan is just a wish…break your goals down into the steps required to fulfil them and work out the smaller yet realistic steps that you can take to make your goal into your reality and focus on those ones.
The benefits of breaking down your goal into smaller parts is vast. Breaking down your goals not only makes them more achievable but also makes them more manageable and most importantly – actionable, as it forces you to think through the steps you need to take to make your goal a reality. This in turn enables you to consider whether this is a viable goal, if not, don’t panic, all you need to do is break it down further to smaller areas that you can action in the next few weeks; in the here and now. To get to this point, try asking yourself questions like ‘what am I actually trying to achieve here’, ‘why is this important’, and ‘how committed am I to achieving this’? The bigger picture/long term goal will come to fruition with time, as long as you have thought through all the small steps to get you there.


5. Tell someone important to you, or someone you think highly of

Again, this may sound simple, but sharing your actions with someone important to you when you have decided to commit, helps to cement the commitment and make them real. This concept is comparable to having a ‘gym buddy’. Have you ever found that you are more likely to do something when you have told someone else that you are going to do it? (hmmm, go on, be honest)!
The proviso here, is that it needs to be someone that will hold you to account for your goals, don’t cheat yourself by selecting the easy option and telling/allowing someone to let you off and help you create excuses to put your goals off to another time. As the saying goes, there is no time like the present.

Make 2016 the year that you achieve the goals you set out to! Break it down, be realistic and be accountable. I believe that anyone can make this a reality if they really want to…do you?

A dream written down with a date commitment becomes a goal, a goal broken down into steps becomes a plan, a plan backed up by realistic and achievable action steps enables you to Live the Life You Love! Consider something important to you, frame it in a positive way; be realistic, write it down, break it down and tell someone important to you.
If you could use a little extra support with clarifying your goals, why not set up a complimentary call with Krush Coaching.
Contact for further information, alternatively call Krush on 07792620112.

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